Blog in English · 19 septembre 2019
Are competitions the ultimate training session? I believe so.

Blog in English · 29 janvier 2019
I am about to start my tenth season of TREC competitions. So why not write an article about it? Happy reading!

Blog in English · 26 décembre 2018
Merlin's first competitive outing! Pony rides in Fully, Valais

Blog in English · 26 décembre 2018
June was almost entirely devoted to the preparation and organisation of the SHAE TREC.

Blog in English · 26 décembre 2018
July usually rhymes with Swiss TREC Championships

Blog in English · 26 décembre 2018
A busy and successful month with Bijoux, Benjy, Lutin and Kivi.

Blog in English · 26 décembre 2018
October was the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Pages turn, some chapters end others start; life goes on.